Barry Has a Secret - an intense meal hiding simulator coming to Steam
Barry Has a Secret
An intense meal hiding simulator game. Coming to Steam (Windows & Macintosh)
jacksepticeye and others covered Barry Has a Secret - within 10 days after release of the game's first chapter in ludum dare make-a-game contest over 3 million people have seen Barry via youtube.
Originally made for ludum dare 41 "make a game in 72 hours" contest
Original free version of the game is available at https://sandfella.itch.io/barry-has-a-secret
Videos (spoiler alert)
Take a look how jacksepticeye plays Barry Has a Secret (contains few SPOILERS)
What people are saying about Barry (more spoilers)
- DashieGames
- Ssundee
"If only they checked the dishwasher...who knew that the cleanest place was the dirtiest? The perfect crime."
- Youtube commenter
"What the hell is going on with your hands Barry!?"
- MattShea
"Banana! Huh Banana!! What the hell is going on with this Banana!?"
- jacksepticeye
This time without spoilers.
Barry likes good food.
Barry has nothing to hide.
That's a fridge. Nothing unusual to see there.
Just a bowl of bananas.
Perfect crime.
Just a cereal box.
"This House" and "Chase Pulse Faster" by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Download / Steam
Barry Has a Secret goes to Steam very-very-very-very early access
"Barry Has a Secret"
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